Category Archives: Health and Wellness

#MTADVOCACY Month: The End is Just the Beginning of Possibilities!

This gallery contains 6 photos.

So this entire month has been Social Media Awareness month for music therapy advocacy. As some of you can tell I have been back on the web and putting out new blogs, Facebook posts and even a song! I want … Continue reading

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Music Therapy Vs. Supportive Music: There is a BIG difference

Most people have witnessed the volunteer musicians at the hospitals here in our area. Sometimes they are playing music in the lobby and there are the harpists that provide supportive bedside music. Often times these musicians are referred to as … Continue reading

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Music Therapy: It’s Fun…it’s Rewarding… It’s Motivating!!

Ahhh… the sigh of relief. Musical Bridges Music Therapy is ready to blossom and grow. Since this is my first entry on this site, I have decided to share with you a few of my own insights on why music … Continue reading

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